Friday, June 23, 2006

"Clay" Robots

What is being developed in the United States now, in the 21st century, are tiny robots, a product of a little known by many field called nanotechnology, and with the new science of claytronics. These aren’t just any type off robots, they are called catoms, and they can do many things.They can “fax” 3D copies of people for virtual meetings. A doctor can even check the pulse of a patent by holding the wrist of the claytonic replica of the person!This nano “clay” can also shape shift into other things, and you can carry it around and it can turn into shoes for walking, or into a hammer if desired.The creator, Dr Todd Mowry, director of Intel's research labs in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, said: "You could have a little lump of this stuff you carry around and it could be a million different things. It's like the world's ultimate Swiss army knife." His partner, Dr Seth Goldstein, of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, said: "It's absolutely going to work."Many people seem to be optimistic about it. Some say we will see it in the next 5 or 20 years or so.But however, the fact is that progress has been slow: So far, the miracle workers have been able to get 4 claytonia atoms to act together. But at 4cm in diameter, they are very much larger than the nano-sized robots required to make the clay.And as for the power supply, it has to be external, for these Nanorobots, as their name suggests, are too small to carry their own power packs.
Here is a link

My Thoughts:
I was amazed as I read this, and when I was done, all I could say was,”WHOOOAAWW!!” This clay thing would be so amazing if we had it. It is like one of those crazy Sci-fi gadgets. This might be one of the biggest accomplishments of the 21st century! Technology has progressed so much, it is truly remarkable! Imagine what an effect this would have on society this would have, and what a person could accomplish with it!!.........Yet, as I think a bit more about it, it’s seems a little too god to be true; this article might be a phony, a trick, like the many other fake articles, on the net.


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