Saturday, June 24, 2006

Trust the robots?

1981 Kenji Urada became the first recorded victim to die at the hands of a robot.
He was supposed to do some maintenance work on a robot at a Kawasaki plant. He was in a haste, and forgot to properly switch the robot off. And thus, the robot, with it's powerful hydraulic arm pushed the poor engineer into a grinding machine!

And this isn't all, cause robots have been hurting people quite a bit over the years. And last year, there were 77 robot-related accidents in Britain alone! People have been crushed, hit on the head, welded and even had molten aluminum poured over them by robots. This certainly goes against Isaac Asimov's three laws of robotics:

"1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law."

And since, Robots are beginning to expand from industry to our homes, Roboticists, and others are becoming more concerned about the safety of these things.

So Experts are gathering to talk about new ways to decrease the dangers.
Inspired by the Pugwash Conferences—an international group of scientists, academics and activists founded in 1957 to campaign for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons—the new group of robo-ethicists met earlier this year in Genoa, Italy, and announced their initial findings in March at the European Robotics Symposium in Palermo, Sicily.

My Thoughts:
Well, Lets hope it doesn't turn out to be like those sci-fi movies!
And also, those who use the machines, have to do their part and be careful, and follow the proper directions and safpercussionsns when using thesmagnificentnt machines!

Friday, June 23, 2006

"Clay" Robots

What is being developed in the United States now, in the 21st century, are tiny robots, a product of a little known by many field called nanotechnology, and with the new science of claytronics. These aren’t just any type off robots, they are called catoms, and they can do many things.They can “fax” 3D copies of people for virtual meetings. A doctor can even check the pulse of a patent by holding the wrist of the claytonic replica of the person!This nano “clay” can also shape shift into other things, and you can carry it around and it can turn into shoes for walking, or into a hammer if desired.The creator, Dr Todd Mowry, director of Intel's research labs in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, said: "You could have a little lump of this stuff you carry around and it could be a million different things. It's like the world's ultimate Swiss army knife." His partner, Dr Seth Goldstein, of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, said: "It's absolutely going to work."Many people seem to be optimistic about it. Some say we will see it in the next 5 or 20 years or so.But however, the fact is that progress has been slow: So far, the miracle workers have been able to get 4 claytonia atoms to act together. But at 4cm in diameter, they are very much larger than the nano-sized robots required to make the clay.And as for the power supply, it has to be external, for these Nanorobots, as their name suggests, are too small to carry their own power packs.
Here is a link

My Thoughts:
I was amazed as I read this, and when I was done, all I could say was,”WHOOOAAWW!!” This clay thing would be so amazing if we had it. It is like one of those crazy Sci-fi gadgets. This might be one of the biggest accomplishments of the 21st century! Technology has progressed so much, it is truly remarkable! Imagine what an effect this would have on society this would have, and what a person could accomplish with it!!.........Yet, as I think a bit more about it, it’s seems a little too god to be true; this article might be a phony, a trick, like the many other fake articles, on the net.

Saturday, June 03, 2006


On the same vacation to England and Scotland, I also visited the strange and well known Bronze Age Megalithic monument known as Stonehenge. It is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones and is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world.

Why it was built no one but the people at the time is sure why it was built. A legend says that the Wizard Merlin had a giant build the structure for him or that he had magically transported it from Mount Killarious in Ireland. Another says the devil was responsible. And some people think the construction was guided by a higher force, or Aliens.
A man named Indigo Jones says that the monument is a roman temple dedicated to the sky God Caelus. A lot of other people think it was built by ancient druids. Many think it is a calendar or something else that has to do with astrology.
The structure does have some connection with astronomical things:
"Stonehenge is aligned north east — south west, and it has been suggested that particular significance was placed by its builders on the solstice and equinox points, so for example on amid summers morning, the sun rose close to the Heelstone, and the sun's first rays went directly into the centre of the monument between the horseshoe arrangement. It is unlikely that such an alignment can have been merely accidental."

Yes, scientists have claimed to see a large number of astronomical alignments, both lunar and solar. Some say it could have been used to predict eclipses.

Well if that is true, then the Neolithic people probably weren't as primitive as we thought they were. After all, archeologists did discover that they had brain surgery back then!

Stonehenge is shrouded in mystery, and many strange things have been said to happen there.
Well, one thing is that there are magnetic fields all around the place, which screws up a compass. And some say there are strange forces and energies. There have been numerous alleged sightings and reports of UFOs there. People have experienced hallucinations, and witnessed strange occurrences. I don't know how to explain these things; may be there are strange chemicals in the air that cause people to see things. Or may be the people just had too much to drink! Or perhaps these could just be real things.
Well, one fact I know, is that if you observe some of the stones, you will see what looks like a face on some of them!

Well, this 5000 year old structure sure must have some important purpose or significance! It’s fun to just think and wonder about this strange thing in the middle of nowhere in England. The world needs a good mystery!

Some good links: (where I Got the Photos From)

Oh ya! If you want, you could be a modern day druid, like these in this photo!