Friday, February 24, 2006

Super Heroes

Super Hero stories are all about good versus evil. The protagonist, as well as the antagonist have supernatural super human powers. Almost all of these have colorful costumes, fancy names and a way to get of the ground. Their powers are often great advantages in the five senses, or any other part of the body, like x-ray vision or strength. And many have full control of one of man's or nature's forces, like fire, or lazor. Other super heroes posess some sort of artificial weapon. Occationally, heroes have side-kicks or some sort of a vehicle.

Most heroes gains his or her powers from an accident, or disaster, usually taking place in a lab. Then, they get a costume, and start fighting crime. Most villains have had terrible pasts, and possess much intelligence, but are cruel and only want chaos.

Almost all heroes have serious problems in their "normal life," and try to hide their secrets from friends and family. They try to remain normal to them, having a normal job, etc. But in the end, after the defeat of the villain, many of their problems get solved, and they learn a lesson.

These stories of heroism, loyalty, and justice are a huge part of the media, attracting mainly young kids. You can see these in comics, movies, books, and games. Some people are concerned that super heroes teach kids about violence. Others on the other hand, say that these stories teach kids valuable lessons.

Here are some popular Super heroes:
The X-Men(and women)
The Justice League
Wonder Woman
Captain America

And of course, the famous villains:
The Green Goblin
King Pin

Monday, February 20, 2006

Star Trek vs. Star Wars

Two of the most popular and successful science fiction stories have been Star Trek and Star Wars.
They are similar, yet different in many ways:


  1. Both consists of movies, books, and t.v. shows
  2. Sells merchandise and video games
  3. Takes place in space and other planets
  4. futuristic technology
  5. spaceships
  6. interstellar travel
  7. aliens
  8. Federations and empires
  9. wars
  10. planetary destructions
  11. Names start with "star"

  1. Star Trek is more about exploration, while Star Wars is more about a war.
  2. Star Wars takes place "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away", while Star Trek happens in the distant future in our galaxy and beyond.
  3. Star Wars is about good versus evil. But in Star Trek, there are no definite goodies and baddies, just conflict and diplomacy
  4. Star Trek: "Space, The final frontier" and "To boldly go where no man has gone before" Star Wars: " A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..."
  5. Star Wars: "May the force be with you" Star Trek: "Live long and prosper"
  6. Star Trek wins Emmeys while Star Wars wins academy's

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Science Fiction: Definition

The general definition of "science fiction" straight out of the dictionary is, a fiction dealing principally with the impact of actual or imagined science on society or individuals or having a scientific factor as an essential orienting component. A more simpler definition would be, a fiction that deals with the influence of real or imagined science on society or individuals.

One if the most favorite topics of sci-fi is Extraterrestrials. Other topics from this wonderful genre include, time travel, space exploration, cryptozoology creatures, monsters, crazy experiments, futuristic wars, other worlds, and dimentions, ghosts, disease, end of the world, and much much more! Most Sci-Fi stories tell you what the writer thinks about the world and what will happen to it.

The first true sci-fi writer was Herbert George Wells, (1866-1946) who is known today as the father of modern Sci-fi. Some of his most famous novels are, The Time Machine (1895), The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896) The Invisible Man (1897), and the The War Of The Worlds (1898), He wrote the first book about an alien invasion, invisibility, time travel and more. Also, the name "atomic bomb" comes from his 1913 novel, The World Set Free.


Hello, my name is Abhik Bhawal, and I am 13 years old.
Science Fiction is and has been my most favorite genre in
both movies and books for many years. I love the action,
drama, heroism, horror, mystery and science involved in
these type of stories but mostly the mystery and science
that I enjoy the most.